Trinity's food pantry is one of nine food distribution centers affiliated with Shepherd House Inc. Its staff consists of volunteers who are responsible for stocking, packaging and dispensing food supplies to individuals and families in Carbon County.

The Pantry is open to the public every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., as well as the third Tuesday from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Donations needed during the year include:

Month Item
January Pasta
February Pork & Beans
March Tuna
April Soup
May Cereal
June Canned Vegetables
July Pasta
August Macaroni & Cheese
September Tuna
October Cereal
November Macaroni & Cheese
December Soup

Please place donations in the box by the church entrance or bring them to the church office.

Brown paper grocery bags
are always needed.

Thanks to all for your continued support in helping to feed the hungry in the Lehighton School District community through this ministry of Shepherd House, Inc.!

"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat." Matthew 25:35

Copyright © 1973 - , Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - Lehighton PA, USA